Everyone must create a SportsEngine account to manage their family members and their program registrations with Hamlin Park. The HPBA website requires parents keep their SportsEngine accounts updated regularly. Please double check each email and and phone number on your account if you choose to receive text message alerts from the league.
If you change your email or mobile contact information, please update your HPBA profile accordingly. Please open the Edit My Account tab (found in the upper-right corner).
During the registration process members accept the terms of the HPBA Parent/Player Policy Agreement. You can find this Policy Agreement on the Parents page of the website for your reference.
HPBA is a non-profit organization managed 100% by volunteers. Every family is required to either volunteer for 3 hours per season or pay the volunteer buy-out (VBO) fee. The VBO fee is $200 per family per season until June 1st. If the VBO fee is paid a er June 1st, it is $250 per family, and after August 1st it is $300 per family. Head Coach hours and HPBA Board Member hours are logged as volunteer time. Opportunities to volunteer include field preparation, grill preparations, spirit wear sales and equipment exchange support. Please visit the website often for dates & times or contact our Volunteer Director at volunteers@hamlinparkbaseball.org
All Coaches, Players, and Participants are obligated to uphold the policies contained in the HPBA Conduct, Discipline and Enforcement Policy. If you observe an incident or situation that violates the HPBA Conduct Policy, please report it through an Incident Report Form (IRF).
Most of our coaches have a player(s) in the league although we do accept qualified, non-parent coaches. If you are interested in coaching, you can apply in the November-December timeframe for our Spring/Summer Leagues. More details can be found on the Registration Information page.
All HPBA coaches are obligated to uphold the policies contained in the HPBA Coach Policy Agreement.
Information on how to apply for an Umpire position at HPBA is available through the website on the Umpire Program page.